Inside Story or Out of the Loop?

You hear stories from time to time of famous writers or famous composers – or whomever – and how some popular book or piece of theirs was something they personally didn’t like very much, or conversely, how some obscure, unpopular creation was their favorite even though it never took off. It makes me wonder if[…]

Fantastic Cover for R3

While there are many challenges in ‘indie’ publishing, one of the really beautiful things is the creative control you retain in areas that normally you don’t have much say in, and cover art would be one of those areas. I’m very excited about the story in The Raft, The River, and The Robot, (the book[…]

7/11 at 7

You’re invited to my Avalon Falls, 7/11 at 7 party. The idea is that if you want an ebook copy of my crime novel for adults, Avalon Falls, I’m asking you to consider buying it this Wednesday night, 7/11, at about 7. The price for the ebook is only $2.99! Hopefully, even if there’s just[…]

Writing Projects Update

So, I have 4 different writing projects at various stages of development. Here are the updates on all 4… Avalon Falls AKA, ‘the Crime novel’ I received the Kindle file of Avalon Falls and read through it, noting a few places to make corrections, and I’ve sent it back to the interior design company that’s[…]

Avalon Falls

Several years ago, right after I finished writing All My Holy Mountain in 2007, I wrote a crime novel. I wrote a crime novel for several reasons. It wasn’t a series that would take me half a decade or more to develop and write, like BOTB. In fact, as a stand alone novel that was[…]


Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test[…]

Meridium – Everybody Wants It

How do people walk above the ground, as though treading on the very air? How do ships sail above the desert sands? How do city lights absorb the sun’s heat during the day and return that light at night, lighting the streets of the great Barra-Dohn? How can a world without fossil fuels like oil[…]

The Great, Wide World

I deliberated – having mentioned meridium in my last post – whether I should turn my attention there for my next post on the new series, but I decided that having started with Barra-Dohn, another post on the general category of ‘setting’ was in order. Part of my early planning for this series, several years[…]