Baltimore Signing

So, in a few weeks I’ll be in Baltimore, legendary birthplace of …. me. As always, when I visit I like to have a small signing at the church I attended when I lived in Baltimore as a kid. Since I went to Australia with my family during June last year, I didn’t go east[…]

More Details on May 20th Signing

The Tuesday, May 20th signing at Trinity Christian College will be at the Bootsma Bookstore Cafe at 10:00 AM. There will be a brief talk, maybe 20 minutes, followed by the signing itself. I should be there until about 11:15. There will also be a raffle, so come by and enter the raffle for the[…]

Authors & Covers

I remember one of my seminary professors lamenting to us, his class, about the cover of his new book. I don’t want to get into specifics, but the point he made was that the publisher had chosen a photograph for the cover that didn’t fit very well with the very heart of his book. In[…]

Revised Release Date

For those of you who occasionally drop by the BOTB website, you already know this, but my publisher, P&R, has announced that the revised release date for All My Holy Mountain is June 1st. Hopefully, those who have been waiting so patiently (or not, I suppose) all this time, will find that it was worth[…]

When Seven is Really Eleven

OK, in light of some of the comments, questions, debates at the BOTB website and more, concerning this whole “Seven Will Fall” post from yesterday, allow me to give a little bit more information. “Major Character” is a term that can be defined in various ways, so to avoid giving away more than I’d like[…]

Seven Will Fall

All right, for those of you who don’t like “spoilers,” you might want to think twice about reading further. So my publisher has pushed back the release of All My Holy Mountain, essentially because the cover is behind schedule. This means that those who have been faithfully waiting for it (as well as those who[…]