Leap Year Again

Here’s what I posted 4 years ago… All right, I’m just going to put this right out there. Anyone who has a blog or personal website or whatever and just ignores the 29th of February is crazy. How can you do that? You won’t get another chance to post on the 29th of February until[…]

Welcome to Barra-Dohn

From the very first page, The Darker Road will feel very different then The Binding of the Blade. There are many reasons for this, but one of the main ones is the shift in setting. Much of the book takes place in the city of Barra-Dohn, a proud and mighty city, surrounded by a sea[…]

Follow My Progress

While the wheels slowly turn in the publishing department, and AMG and I work to get The Darker Road ready for publication, the wheels must also turn in the writing department. So, I’ve set the little progress bar on the the side of my blog to reflect the status of that effort. When you check[…]

Farewell to Kirthanin

I almost called this post “A Whole New World,” but suddenly the sights and sounds of Aladdin rose up before me and convinced me this wasn’t the way to go. Of course, by telling you this, I’ve just evoked those same sights and sounds, but so be it. Once I’d realized the connection, I just[…]

The Darker Road

Yes, that’s right. ‘TDR’ stands for The Darker Road. That’s my working title for the first book in The Wandering. Of course, I don’t know for sure yet that either of those will be the actual titles for the book or the series, but they’ve been called that in my head for so long now,[…]

Guest Blog

I was asked in August to consider writing a guest blog for the site, “Speculative Faith.” I finally was able to do that this past week and it has now been posted there. Here’s the link: Speculative Faith Check it out & check out the rest of the site if you’ve never been there. There’s[…]

The Current State of Things

I’m asked on occasion if I’m working on anything, and if I have any books coming out soon. The answer to those two questions are ‘always’ and ‘no.’ I’m always working on something, but with no books currently under contract, there’s nothing coming in the near future – though hopefully that’ll change before too long.[…]