Back To Work

As you may have noticed, the little bar graph on my linkblog that I used from last Fall through this past May to track my progress as I finished “TDR,” is now barely registering at all. That’s because I’ve reset it to track the progress of the new novel I’m working on as of now.[…]


OK, here’s the deal. One of you suggested in a comment a little while ago that I give you all an acronym by which to refer to the book I just completed. This way, I wouldn’t be giving away the working title, which I’m reluctant to do online when the book isn’t under contract, and[…]

Batson & Hopper – Take 2!!

As many of you know, my fellow fantasy writers and friends, Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper have undertaken a two book series together, the first book of which came out last November and was called Curse of the Spider King. Well, the second book, called Venom and Song comes out in July, and Wayne[…]


Well, I finished the rough draft of the novel I’ve been working on today. I started in the Fall of 2008, put it aside after writing about a hundred pages, then picked it back up this school year. I estimated it would run about 400 of my pages and 140K words. The file I just[…]

The Ongoing Electronification of BOTB

OK, so ‘electronification’ is a made-up word. Fair enough. My point, however, remains valid. The Binding of the Blade continues on its journey into the eBook world. Since Beyond the Summerland was made available for Kindle and other eBook readers, about 500 copies have been downloaded from Amazon and my publisher’s website, and now Book[…]

The Home Stretch

Some of you have been following the little ‘progress’ bar on the side of my blog, and have noted that the rate of its movement has increased. That’s certainly true. I don’t know how universal this may be – I suspect it is pretty common – but the end of a book often comes faster[…]

Peter’s Story – Footnotes

2 Quick Follow-Up Notes… (1) The four previous posts with the term “Peter’s Story” in the titles should be read in order, from “Peter’s Story – Maundy Thursday” forward to “Peter’s Story – Easter.” You’d figure it out eventually, but I thought I’d save you some grief if you’re interested but you’ve come to them[…]

Peter’s Story – The Sabbath

I didn’t think I would sleep last night, but I did. It was a troubled sleep, restless and full of bad dreams. Waking was worse, though, as no bad dream could be as bad as the darkness to which I opened my eyes. We are resting today, in keeping with the commandment, but I don’t[…]

Peter’s Story – Good Friday

They crucified Him between two common criminals. It shouldn’t have been like that. I should have been with Him. When they accused me of being one of His disciples, I should have stepped forward and said, “That’s right, I’m a follower of Jesus.” I might have ended up hanging right beside Him, but at least[…]