As many of you know, my fellow fantasy writers and friends, Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper have undertaken a two book series together, the first book of which came out last November and was called Curse of the Spider King. Well, the second book, called Venom and Song comes out in July, and Wayne and Christopher are once again doing some pretty cool online promotions. Here’s a blurb Wayne sent me about it…
“Teen Fantasy Readers: Would you like to win a private book party with bestselling fantasy authors Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper? Would you like to win a sword of your very own? Join the Tribe Building Contest that begins today!”
For details, Visit:
If the Berinfell Prophecies are only two books, how come book three (The Tearing of the Veil) comes out next year?
Just fyi 🙂
Well, I didn’t know there was going to be a book 3 – obviously. I know the initial contract was for 2, but if there’s going to be a third, then that must be good news on the sales front…