Breaking the Cycle

There’s an inertia that can set in when something like semi-regular blogging gets set aside for something pressing. In my case, it was the final push to finish my novel The Colder Moon before my 12/31/13 deadline. All my available time was poured into making my deadline (which I did, by the way, with a[…]

Scavenger Hunt Winners!

So the Scavenger Hunt ended on Friday, and now we have the winners! They are: The Grand Prize winner: Renee Manning 2nd Prize: Chris Morcom 3rd Prize: Christa Scott Congratulations! And thanks to all the authors and readers who participated.

Remembering Jack

Yes, it is true that the United States will spend today remembering the assassination of JFK, and I suppose that this is appropriate. He was not a just a president but an iconic figure, and his death is a landmark moment in time. And yet, for me, today is the 50th anniversary of something much[…]

High School Football

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. Go watch a high school football game. That’s my midweek recommendation. Now, I know some of you aren’t sports fans, so you can feel free to ignore this. For those of[…]

Weekly Goal

In lieu of a ‘Sunday Reflection,’ I am taking a minute to update my progress on my current novel, The Colder Moon. The third book in my new series, The Wandering, it is due to my publisher at the end of December. I’ve been running a bit behind, but after a pretty good week last[…]

Soundtrack Action

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. I’m a big fan of ‘soundtrack’ music, in part because I’m a big fan of movies, and sometimes the music is an essential part of what I fall in love with.[…]

Trusting to Providence

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. One of the classic moments in Huck Finn comes when the two con men, the King and the Duke, attribute to Providence the opportunity to scam some trusting orphans.[…]

Don’t Do This

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. My midweek recommendation is simple: don’t tear your ACL. Yes, this isn’t my usual approach to the midweek recommendation, and it is meant as a semi-humorous way to inform any regular[…]