
It’s Memorial Day weekend, so all over the country people are stocking up on food for the grill – though here in St. Louis its been hopelessly rainy all spring and any plans for a barbecue are an act of sheer optimism. In any case, a three day weekend is always cause to celebrate, especially[…]

Teaching Seniors – The Joy & The Sorrow

The coming of May brings sheer delight to the hearts of students everywhere. Teachers too, for that matter. The rhythm of the school year proclaims, loudly, that enough is enough. It is time for everyone to take a break. We’ll start again in August and have another go. If you’ve ever taught high school seniors,[…]

More Details on May 20th Signing

The Tuesday, May 20th signing at Trinity Christian College will be at the Bootsma Bookstore Cafe at 10:00 AM. There will be a brief talk, maybe 20 minutes, followed by the signing itself. I should be there until about 11:15. There will also be a raffle, so come by and enter the raffle for the[…]

Authors & Covers

I remember one of my seminary professors lamenting to us, his class, about the cover of his new book. I don’t want to get into specifics, but the point he made was that the publisher had chosen a photograph for the cover that didn’t fit very well with the very heart of his book. In[…]

Revised Release Date

For those of you who occasionally drop by the BOTB website, you already know this, but my publisher, P&R, has announced that the revised release date for All My Holy Mountain is June 1st. Hopefully, those who have been waiting so patiently (or not, I suppose) all this time, will find that it was worth[…]

In the Name of Love

“Early morning, April 4, a shot rang out in the Memphis sky. ‘Free at last,’ they took your life, they could not take your pride.” U2 fans will recognize the above, a quote from “Pride,” a big hit in 1984 on the fantastic album, Unforgettable Fire. The reference is of course to Martin Luther King[…]