Facebook, Finally

Well, I’ve finally bowed the knee to modernity and reactivated my short-lived Facebook account that I first opened a few years back. I eventually deactivated it because I didn’t really use it very much and at the time, didn’t think I ever would. So why bring it back? The main reason is that after a[…]

Defining Our Terms

I said in my 8/20 post that I’d come back to my discussion of Christians and the way they deal with the subject of evolution. My point here is in one sense, very simple – whenever we debate with anyone, a crucial step in the process is always to define your terms. As Mark Twain[…]

Curse of the Spider King

Authors Wayne Batson and Christopher Hopper – two of the other seven authors that I had the privilege of touring the West Coast with last October – have a great contest going on to promote their new book, Curse of the Spider King. Follow this link and check it out! http://enterthedoorwithin.blogspot.com/2009/09/biggest-contest-in-history-of-men-and.html

‘Great Bear Ct’

OK, so yesterday my family and I arrived in Charlotte, NC, to visit my good friend Matt and his family. As we were driving down their street, looking for their house, we passed a small cul-de-sac with the name, “Great Bear Ct.” I was pretty stoked to see that the “Great Bear” lived somewhere other[…]

The Art of Fiction

So, I finished John Gardner’s The Art of Fiction yesterday, making that three of the books on writing in my stack. It was a good read, but man was it a striking shift after reading Stephen King’s On Writing. King, I think it is fair to say, has the common touch. He’s sold a boatload[…]