
Well, I finished the rough draft of the novel I’ve been working on today. I started in the Fall of 2008, put it aside after writing about a hundred pages, then picked it back up this school year.

I estimated it would run about 400 of my pages and 140K words. The file I just sent to my agent is 387 pages, but 140,115 words, so I was a little off in the page count, but the word estimate was pretty close.

This book isn’t under contract, so I probably won’t have news for a while. If you’re a fan, though, and you’re hoping to see this book & this new fantasy series in print, feel free to pray that the story finds a home. My agent will read it and advise me on any revisions or other steps to take before we shop it, and then we’ll see what we’ll see.

If there are developments along the way, I’ll let you know.

18 thoughts on “Finished!

  • That is so awesome! Congratulations on finishing. I will definitely pray that you find a publisher- it’s been too long since your last book.

    Just curious, how much do you write a day? Do you have a set goal in words, pages, or time spent writing?

  • To be candid, Alassiel, I really don’t have a set goal for words/pages per day. Usually, I try to carve out writing ‘times’ and then do as much as I can during those times. Early in a book, I tend to get less done in those times as I’m setting the story up and have more story creation questions to address along the way. Near the end of the book, I’m moving at a much, much faster pace, wrapping things up that have been decided/planned, long beforehand. This past week, I wrote a ridiculous amount of words, as the natural pace of things (and some extra time as my school year winds to a close) carried me along.

  • Congratulations, LB! I am stoked for you. Doesn’t it feel good to write those last words? I pray right now that God would open the door to a great new publisher for you, someone who will put some marketing dollars behind your work. Thank you, Lord, for hearing this prayer!

  • Great job! I am so exited that you are finished; I hope it gets published so I can read it as soon as possible…so, here’s the question….can you say anything more about it to us your anxious fans now that you are done???

  • Another question- I don’t know if you’ve mentioned this anywhere or if I’ve just missed it, but does this book/series have a working title?

  • Yes, I do have a working title for the series, for the first book, and more. I have a ‘tag line’ that I really like, and lots of things I’d love to post about, but in general, I’m pretty mum about books & book ideas that aren’t under contract. I’m sorry everybody. I hope there’s more to say at some point, but for the time being, I’m sure things will be annoyingly vague for a while…

  • Sorry if I’m pestering you, but I had an idea. Could you just tell us the acronym of the title, like BotB or BtS? That wouldn’t be revealing much, but it would give us something to call this new book. Logically, it would be good for publicity. After all, your readers need something to help keep them interested while you look for a publisher. And what could be more interesting than guessing at the title?

  • YEEEEEEHAWWW! (Good ole’ Texas/Confederate war-whoops in background).

    You finally finished it! I’m so happy for you. Now you have to wait for six months before a publisher finally realizes someone entered a novel! (At least, that’s the way I’m told it works).

    I hope you get an answer, and I’ll definitely be praying for you.

    Oh, and I agree with Alassiel (Is that elvish or LOTR?). An acronym would be sweet.

    Glad to hear it’s a whole series!


  • Hooray!!!

    Congratulations on getting it done! I am greatly looking forward to one day being able to read it.

  • YAY!!!! Can’t wait LB, will pray for quick distribution to the stores!!! Is this a one book story or a series like BOTB?

  • Lynn,

    Unfortunately, I have that tricky business of finding a publisher before it can be distributed. So, my guess is it won’t be too terribly quick. Thanks for your well-wishing though!


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