Villains & Conflict

In the spirit of recycling posts I wrote for the Fantasy Fiction Tour ’08 website, here’s another from a few weeks ago. I believe it was Edith Hamilton in her classic work on mythology that suggested the purpose of the monsters in Greek myths was to give the heroes opportunities to demonstrate their greatness. Ie,[…]

Collaborative Story

It’s just over two months until the Fantasy Fiction Tour ’08 hits the West Coast, so as part of the “warm up” for the Tour, all eight fantasy writers have agreed to try their hands at a collaborative, fantasy fiction story. I wrote the first “page” if you will, and posted it yesterday, and last[…]


Today I caught my first whiff of someone not especially pleased with All My Holy Mountain. To date, all the feedback by email, website comment, personal conversation, etc., had been glowing, but the first neutral/negative reaction was bound to come at some point, and today was the day. Of course, I went right to Amazon[…]