The Resurrection and the Life

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. For 18 years I’ve been preaching with some regularity at a small country church in Illinois, about 45 minutes from St. Louis. The congregation is small, but close, and[…]

Holy Sonnet 14

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. I’m a little late getting to my midweek recommendation this week, but I hope it will prove worth the wait, nonetheless. I’d like to commend to your enjoyment, John Donne’s “Holy[…]

Standing Tall Before the Man

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. In Jeremiah 12, the prophet asks God “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” (12:1). It’s not a new question, of course, and it prompts an interesting response.[…]

Serious Wounds

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. We go to great lengths to minimize our view of sin – at least our view of our own sin. We rationalize, we excuse and we compare ourselves to[…]


It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. As the week begins in which my 8th novel, The Darker Road prepares to release (it’s supposed to be available on Amazon as of Tuesday, August 6), I embark[…]


I’ve said this elsewhere about posting on Leap Year, that if you blog at all, even if you are a horrible, completely negligent and irregular blogger like me, then you can’t let a day like today go by without posting something. Leap Year only comes once every four years, and while there are twelve years[…]

Peter’s Story – Footnotes

2 Quick Follow-Up Notes… (1) The four previous posts with the term “Peter’s Story” in the titles should be read in order, from “Peter’s Story – Maundy Thursday” forward to “Peter’s Story – Easter.” You’d figure it out eventually, but I thought I’d save you some grief if you’re interested but you’ve come to them[…]

Peter’s Story – The Sabbath

I didn’t think I would sleep last night, but I did. It was a troubled sleep, restless and full of bad dreams. Waking was worse, though, as no bad dream could be as bad as the darkness to which I opened my eyes. We are resting today, in keeping with the commandment, but I don’t[…]

Peter’s Story – Good Friday

They crucified Him between two common criminals. It shouldn’t have been like that. I should have been with Him. When they accused me of being one of His disciples, I should have stepped forward and said, “That’s right, I’m a follower of Jesus.” I might have ended up hanging right beside Him, but at least[…]

Peter’s Story – Maundy Thursday

It was strange, the Teachers’s instructions. Go into the town, find the man carrying the jar, ask him about a room for the Passover. But, we have learned over the years that Jesus doesn’t always like to tell us everything, so we went and did what he asked. The Passover was strange too. Jesus spoke[…]