Review and …?

I am setting aside my normal blogging routine for the next ten days to run a contest in which I will give away 5 free, autographed copies of The Darker Road, my new novel, which Publisher’s Weekly called “a highly entertaining as well as thoughtful contribution to Christian Fantasy.” Interested in winning a copy? Then[…]


It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. All right, for my midweek recommendation this week, I don’t have much to say. In fact, my fundamental message to you can be summed up pretty simply, as follows: Masterpiece. Watch[…]

Standing Tall Before the Man

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. In Jeremiah 12, the prophet asks God “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” (12:1). It’s not a new question, of course, and it prompts an interesting response.[…]

Super Bowl Prediction Time

It’s time for my Friday Fun post, in which I offer nothing more than perhaps an opportunity for some amusement. All right, since this is the last Friday before the NFL kicks off its regular season next Thursday in Denver, I thought I’d use this ‘Friday Fun’ post to solicit your preseason, Super Bowl pick.[…]

Your Crooked Neighbor

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. So, as I wrote about ‘the Surprising Word’ in my Sunday Reflection, I realized that I needed to use my Midweek Recommendation on “As I walked out one evening,” a poem[…]

The Surprising Word

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. Last Sunday I wrote about the joy of knowing (and using) the ‘right word’ in any given situation. The more you read and experience the English language, the more[…]

There can be only one!

It’s time for my Friday Fun post, in which I offer nothing more than perhaps an opportunity for some amusement. All right, well, this week’s ‘Friday Fun’ may only be fun for me, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take! A few months ago I watched the 1986 cult class Highlander with some friends.[…]

The Darker Road (at last)

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. All right, so maybe I’m cheating a little bit, but I’m going to talk about my new novel The Darker Road for this week’s ‘midweek recommendation.’ For those of you who[…]

The Right Word

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. Have you ever been in a conversation where the person you were talking to started a sentence, then paused, seeming to search for not any word, but a particular[…]

Friday Fun – The Caption Game

It’s time for my Friday Fun post, in which I offer nothing more than perhaps an opportunity for some amusement. Today’s edition of “Friday Fun” involves the caption game. Simply post a comment with your suggestion for a caption to the following photo… Here’s my suggestion… “NO! Not Twilight again!” And you? Where would you[…]