It’s a Wonderful Remake

It’s time for my Friday Fun post, in which I offer nothing more than perhaps an opportunity for some amusement. A month or so ago, for the Friday Fun post, I reflected on who I would cast if Hollywood were to make a remake of “Highlander,” and I asked for your suggestions too. I enjoyed[…]


It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. I’m currently ensconced in a mini-Denzel Washington fest with my son. We’ve recently watched in “Courage Under Fire,” “Training Day” and “Man on Fire” in close proximity, and I’ve been struck[…]

The Resurrection and the Life

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. For 18 years I’ve been preaching with some regularity at a small country church in Illinois, about 45 minutes from St. Louis. The congregation is small, but close, and[…]

Reliving the Glory

It’s time for my Friday Fun post, in which I offer nothing more than perhaps an opportunity for some amusement. All right, having done a fairly academic/literary Friday Fun post last week, I’ll do something completely different this week. Today, I invite you to share your greatest athletic accomplishment from your youth. I was by[…]

Ode to the West Wind

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. All right, so I decided after the weekend’s literary trivia question to make the poem in question – Percy Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind” – my midweek recommendation. It’s appropriate[…]

Hectic Red

It’s time for my Friday Fun post, in which I offer nothing more than perhaps an opportunity for some amusement. This is another one of those things that might just be fun for me, but this week’s Friday fun post is a literary trivia question of sorts. Back in Baltimore, where I grew up, there[…]

Holy Sonnet 14

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. I’m a little late getting to my midweek recommendation this week, but I hope it will prove worth the wait, nonetheless. I’d like to commend to your enjoyment, John Donne’s “Holy[…]

Here’s to Autumn

It’s time for my Sunday Reflection, in which I post some of my thoughts on almost any issue connected to writing, faith or life in general. So, for this week’s reflection, I simply want to say how much I like Autumn. I’m not even sure where to begin, although I suppose a logical place is[…]

The Caption Game

It’s time for my Friday Fun post, in which I offer nothing more than perhaps an opportunity for some amusement. Well, it’s Friday once more and I thought we might play the caption game again. Here’s another photo, asking for a clever caption. What do you got? I need to think about this one too,[…]

Forget Me Not

It’s time for my Midweek Recommendation, in which I commend to your attention books or music or movies or anything I find worth recommending. I have a confession to make: I like a lot of Christian Contemporary Music from the late 70’s through to the early 90’s. I know, I know – some of you[…]