Interview at Enclave Publishing
Just a quick note to say I have a new interview posted at the Enclave Publishing website. Here’s the link if you are interested. My thanks to Morgan Busse and Enclave for the chance to do the interview.
Just a quick note to say I have a new interview posted at the Enclave Publishing website. Here’s the link if you are interested. My thanks to Morgan Busse and Enclave for the chance to do the interview.
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. Well, way back over Memorial Day weekend when I posted my first official post for my summer project of doing a ‘book club’ on Ray Bradbury’s classic, The[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THE MILLION-YEAR PICNIC In “The Long Years” we saw that in 2026 Mars was largely empty, and in “There Will Come Soft Rains” we saw that in 2026[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THERE WILL COME SOFT RAINS This story has been so often anthologized that it is probably the best known of all the stories in The Martian Chronicles. The[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THE LONG YEARS The short vignette ‘in between’ stories are over, and now we are down to the final three Martian Chronicles. All three of these last stories[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THE WATCHERS This is the last of the short vignettes, as the stories that follow this one are all ‘full’ stories that stand very well on their own.[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THE LUGGAGE STORE Another of the short vignettes that primarily sets up an event in the story that follows, in this case, the long-hinted-at and finally-arriving atomic war[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THE OLD ONES The reader will have noted by now that some of the short vignettes achieve something like a stand-alone quality, while others are little more than[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THE NAMING OF NAMES There are a few things going on in this short vignette, and most of it can be summed up as evidence of Spender’s fears[…]
This post is part of a series on Ray Bradbury and his book, “The Martian Chronicles,” which will run from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. THE SHORE This short vignette captures the ‘frontier’ feel of the American story and transports it to Mars, imagining that the first men were hardened men who were[…]