Quiet Places

One of my habits is stopping at McDonald’s on my way to work for a drink and a few minutes of quiet reading. I get up pretty early, a little after five, and I’m usually in my booth before six with drink in hand and book before me. I was never a ‘morning person,’ not[…]

What Did You Get?

Christmas has come and gone once more, and now the dawning of the New Year awaits. For children, it is so hard to let Christmas go as it fades in the rearview mirror. After all, there is so much anticipation and build up, they feel it is somehow wrong that the day can simply pass[…]

Back in the Saddle

Over the course of the Motiv8 blog tour we’ve been running since October, I’ve had thoughts along the way about things I’d like to blog about when it was finished. Of course, there wasn’t any stipulation that we had to leave our posts up all week about the author of the week, so I could[…]