Peter’s Story – Maundy Thursday

It was strange, the Teachers’s instructions. Go into the town, find the man carrying the jar, ask him about a room for the Passover. But, we have learned over the years that Jesus doesn’t always like to tell us everything, so we went and did what he asked. The Passover was strange too. Jesus spoke[…]

Peter’s Story – Replay

Starting tomorrow, I plan to re-post a series of brief reflections on the events of Holy Week from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday, written in a fictionalized way from Peter’s perspective. These are from a couple of years ago, so if you’ve been following this blog, you’ve seen them before. Whether you have or haven’t,[…]

90K & Bloody Death

Well, with the scene I just added to my new book, I’ve crested the 90,000 word mark, so progress is being made. My best guess is that I’m still on pace for about 140K total for the book, at least in draft form. With some good, thorough editing, I’d imagine that number will shrink. At[…]

Technical Difficulties

The point of this brief post is to apologize to anyone who tried to access my blog over the last week or so and ran into technical difficulties. The service that hosts my site migrated it to a new platform just over a week ago, and that’s where the problems began. Thankfully, my friend Rob[…]

Gaffes & Progress

Well, I’d hoped to finish the new chapter I started last week on Saturday, but I didn’t quite get there. I did finish today, though, so I was almost on target. The main reason I didn’t get there on Saturday was that I discovered as I edited one of the key scenes in the chapter[…]

Structure, Sweet Structure

I promised I’d be more faithful at blogging this year, so here’s an update on my post from last week. I haven’t written anything. But wait, that doesn’t mean it’s been a useless week. Quite the contrary, I’d say it has been a very good week. While I didn’t start a new chapter (and thus,[…]

New Book – Take 2

First of all, my apologies to the handful of folks who still faithfully check my blog. I was pretty negligent about updating it during ’09, and while I didn’t exactly make a New Year’s resolution to be better at it in 2010, I will try to be. Secondly, I wanted to update my writing status.[…]