New Book – Take 2

First of all, my apologies to the handful of folks who still faithfully check my blog. I was pretty negligent about updating it during ’09, and while I didn’t exactly make a New Year’s resolution to be better at it in 2010, I will try to be.

Secondly, I wanted to update my writing status. After posting just over two years ago in this blog that I’d started a new fantasy book, I wrote about a quarter that novel in fits and starts before putting it away for various reasons. This past September or so, I went back to work on it. By December I was halfway through, and so this January I decided to work back through it from the beginning, mostly editing for continuity since different sections had been written so far apart.

I finished that today, so this week I plan to begin the second half. I’m excited about the prospect, and I hope to be finished by June. “By June” might come to be “sometime in June,” but I definitely want to have a finished draft of the whole novel by July 1.

I’m posting this tidbit here, because I want those faithful few who still drop by to keep me honest. I’ve set up the little ‘bar graph’ thingy on the side of this page to record my relative progress, and I want to post every week or so about how things are going. If you don’t see movement on the bar or new posts, pester me until I either post a new update or feel guilty about having nothing to post and get back to work.

Thanks again to those who’ve read BOTB and have waited patiently to see more from me. Let’s all hope I’ll have a finished book and a new contract by the close of 2010.

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