6 thoughts on “Interview

  • I’ve noticed that whole geographical archetype thing as well. I’m going to kick that out the window with one of my books!!! South will be bad (very bad). Or maybe, all of them (sides of the land) should be bad, and the center should be good. Or maybe I’m just rambling.

    Evan (The Lone Bagpiper)

  • The interview was wonderful. Thanks for letting us know about it. Mr Graham do you have any idea idea when “All My Holy Mountain” will be available in Canada? I ordered it from my local bookstore but then they called back last week and said that its not available yet in Canada. I love your books, you are such an inspiration to me in my own writing and story telling.

  • Nice Interview! We need more like them!
    It was great learning more about you!
    God Bless! My Family is praying for all the authors safety in traveling.

  • Thanks for your support – both with regard to taking the time to read the interview and to pray for us. There’s a lot that needs to come together for the Tour, but God is good and He knows what we need.

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